The first annual Re:Locations conference took place on Nov. 22nd 2019 at Hart House, University of Toronto.
Co-Chairs: Brittany Myburgh (University of Toronto) and Julia Lum (Scripps College)

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Conference Proceedings:
Papers published on a rolling basis throughout 2020:
Navigating Visions of Asia and the Pacific, Re:Locations Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2020).
Conference Overview
Introductory Address:
Professor Takashi Fujitani
Takashi Fujitani holds the Dr. David Chu Chair in Asia Pacific Studies at the University of Toronto, where he is also Professor of History and Director of the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies.
Panel I: Global Art: Networks and Receptions
Holly Chen (Washington University St. Louis); Xiafei Li (University of Cambridge); Renata Nagy (Yale University)
Panel II: Images and the South Pacific
Maria Mendoza Camba (University of Toronto); (Chao Chi Chiu) University of Maryland; Sophia Merkin (Columbia University)
Panel III: Contemporary Art in Motion
Nicole Go (McMaster University); (Zoe de Luca) McGill University; (Hyeongjin Oh) University of Minnesota
Panel IV: Arts-based Research
Christine Germano (Simon Fraser University); Kari Noe, Patrick Karjala, Anna Sikkink, and Dean Lodes (University of Hawai’i at Mānoa)
Keynote Address:
Refracting Relations Among Land, Water, Sky, and Peoplehood with Indigenous Watercraft and the Crafts of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (and Anti-systems).
Vicente “Vince” Diaz (Pohnpeian, Filipino from Guam) is a faculty of the Department of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities where he heads the Native Canoe Program. Diaz is a leader in Native Pacific Cultural Studies and efforts to build global and comparative Critical Indigenous Studies. Diaz has published many articles on topics ranging from indigenous masculinities in sports, to indigenous Christianity, to Pacific film and video, to indigenous historiography and ethnography, threading through them an indigenous critique of power through hands-on practices of cultural revitalization.
We would like to thank the following departments and individuals for their generous support of this symposium and exhibition: the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies and the Asian Institute; the School of Cities; Geography and Planning; Art History; Dr. Uahikea Maile and the Department of Political Science; Comparative Literature; East Asian Studies; Charles Stankievech and the Masters of Visual Studies at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design; the Department of Visual Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga; the Re:Locations Journal team; moderator Samantha Chang; and Navigating Visions exhibitors Christie Carriere, James Legaspi, Kari Noe, Patrick Karjala, Anna Sikkink, Dean Lodes and Florence Yee.